DIY Raffia Basket Instructions -PDF File.
Full instructions which show you how to start a raffia basket, use a simple 'lazy stitch', add raffia to the core, and finish your project. Pictures and intructional steps included in pamphlet form.
You will receive a link for the raffia basket pamphlet to download at checkout, along with an emailed link that will last for 30 days. Please save a copy for yourself and enjoy with a small group of people. Share the love, follow and tag me on socials with your raffia creations!
PDF file of The Raffia Kat original work
I hope you enjoy these simple PDF instructions. I happily allow you to share them with a small group of friends, in return I hope you point them towards my humble website and lovingly dyed raffia supplies. Thank you kindly.
Also! I would love to see what you make!
Send me a pic to put up on my student gallery or send me an email with questions or comments. Would love to know how you went!